Ministry Teams
There are a variety of ways to serve God and neighbor in this place.
Check out the opportunities below to see where your passions and gifts intersect with the mission and ministry God is calling us to... |
Like to gather people, plan events, or just like group activities? This is the team for you! Our Front Porch Team keeps the "community" in ChristChurch. From Thanksgiving dinners and pancake breakfasts to services in the park and all church camping trips, there are plenty of opportunities to get to know your church members in fun and engaging ways. More...
At the heart of worship is a celebration…
the celebration of God’s gracious love for us and for all people through Christ. So worship at ChristChurch is marked by a spirit of joy. It is also a team effort. Teams of people serve up front and behind the scenes to support our worship life. More... |
The Welcome Team serves to welcome and host people on Sunday morning and other special events. Their hospitality begins even before people reach the front door. Their warm welcome and personal service is a vital part of our life together.
The team serves on rotation and weekly tasks include: greeting people at the door, handing out bulletins and helping people to find seating. More... |
We value everyday devotion to God's word and prayer. Whether you would like to request a prayer for yourself or others, or if you are interested in becoming part of our prayer team, learn more here...
Women IN God's Service
We are a group of women who are eager to build new friendships with other women in our church, strengthen the friendships we already have, and to serve God, each other, and our community. More... |
In Genesis, God said, "Let us make humankind in our image..." One of the many ways God's image is being revealed in us is through our creativity. Open Spirit Gallery is a new ministry at Christchurch; one in which we seek to offer sacred space for the creative gifts of artists in and around our community. More...